Mobile App Help

Install and First Startup
This screenshot shows the app on first loading from an iPhone, Android is similar. Tap 'Allow While Using App' to proceed.
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Add Assets, Clients, Sites
Tap the 'Add Assets' button and you will be taken to this screen. It is similar process to add Assets, Sites or Clients. Just type in the name of the asset you require and press 'Save Assset Item' and it will be saved. You will then be redirected to the appropriate page to see the asset in a list along with other items.
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Assets, Clients, Sites. Lists for Selection
This list shows a list of assets, it can contain anything you want to track. Here you can see where we used it to identify various mobile phones we were testing. Some other examples are the sort of materials you may deliver to or remove form site.
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The settings screen: There is a 'Synchronise Database' button which manually synchronises the data with the server in case you have been having problems with connections, signals etc. The Notifications box will infom you of any database syncronisations etc. Next is Location accuracy, toggle the switch to set GPS accuracy to coarse or fine, coarse will use less power but fine will give greater accuracy. Manual mode is for using the app without NFC tags. When turned on you will see an input box on the home screen, enter data there and press the 'Add' button to place the data in the yellow NFC tag window and save it to the database as an alternative to swiping tags. The 'Save Alert' switch will turn on and off the manual save alert which will show before the data is saved to the database. It gives you a chance to check and review the information you are saving prior to saving it. The reccomended setting is on. The 'Reset Data Base' button which will completely reset the database. If you are working offline and have not synced your data it will be lost so treat with caution.
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